Gabriel Costa,
Product Designer

Making complex digital products
look simple.

More than 3 years of experience working with digital products. Currently working at Sofit.

Mar - 2021

Bee Delivery

How I used UX Design strategies to understand the main pain points of couriers in the delivery journey, using the Bee Delivery platform, allowing them to make more deliveries in less time.

Jul - 2020


How I used UX Design to understand the difficulties of small and medium gyms to guarantee financial input for them during the period.

Jan - 2023


How the surveys helped us identify that a simple button would reduce the company’s support department by 30%

About me

My name is Gabriel Costa, I'm 25 years old. I started my career in 2013 as a Graphic Designer. For the last 4 years I have specialized in User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX), and I currently work as a Product Designer, creating digital experiences for startups and small businesses. I have a persevering and very relaxed professional profile, always looking for new learning that can improve and help the relevance of the projects I work on.

Fábio Souza, Desenvolvedor.

“Gabriel é um profissional que admiro e que gostaria de sempre ter no meu time pela sua capacidade analítica e seu olhar crítico. Tive o prazer de desenvolver telas prototipadas por ele e de observar sua dedicação quanto à experiência do usuário.”

Leonardo Soares, Product Designer.

“Um profissional com selo de excelência! Suas habilidades em UX/UI me impressionam a cada dia, super dedicado, compromissado com os projetos além da sua criatividade ser algo sensacional.”